Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Polar Panoramas

These are my Polar Panoramas I created in Photoshop. Here are some steps to help you create your very own Polar Panos. You can also check out my digital sketchbook with this link : My Digital Sketchbook for more help. 

Steps to a Polar Panorama

Step 1: Make sure you have all your supplies together and ready to go. ( charged, organized, etc.)
Step 2: find a location to shoot your panorama in and set up your equipment.
Step 3: Begin taking your photos vertically . They must be vertical so you can get the sky and the ground in your panorama.
Step 4: Then, Upload your panorama photos onto your computer.
Step 5: Open your panorama onto photoshop and crop and rotate your panorama.
Step 6: Apply the effects and retouch.

     To get the cut out on top of your Polar Panorama, here are some more steps: 

Step 1: upload your photo onto Adobe Photoshop and create a copy of the layer.
Step 2: Use the quick selection tool and set your brush size.

Step 3: Select all of your  portrait you want to keep.
Step 4: Use the minus button to subtract all the background parts of your image.
Step 5: Then use the refine Edge tool to smooth your remaining image . when done , file and save your now finished portrait.  

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