Monday, March 3, 2014

Profile Project Progress

In  our project My team has Cambria, One, Charlotte and me in it. We interviewed Cambria's mother , Jessica on what it is like to be a nurse. She works at Wilcox Memorial Hospital in the babies section and works with people that are pregnant and planning to have babies at the hospital.We wanted to interview her because we thought it was inspiring that she went through four years of college to get to where she is today while raising kids and being a single mother. She has worked for the hospital for 3 in a half years and enjoys what she does.

Our B-Roll was a little difficult because we had to go to all the stops required in our video in one day. This could have been easier if we had planned it a little better but we made it work and got it all done. With B-Roll it is extremely important that the B-Roll has at least some connection to the interview and story you are trying to portray. So we went to the Kauai Community College and filmed because we had talked to Jessica about how she got through college so we made a connection that way. We also filmed her walking into the hospital building and her hanging out with her daughter to get an inside perspective. The voice overs we filmed at lunch in the news cast room with our mic that helped the story make sense and make the story flow more at ease.

Our team has worked pretty well this time around and got things done. We have all (I personally think)  have worked equally as hard as one other. I was working on the template drawings while One and Charlotte were working on writing out what Jessica had said during the interview. Cambria was also working on the template and we worked together and communicated way better and got a lot of things done. Our first time around we ran out of time and made a failure but this time I am proud of what has been done.All that is left to do is the editing.

The Editing didn't go to great because we didn't finish it all all and need to focus more on what we are portraying as our story line. We are failing right now with the maturity level of our film and need to step it up a little with our skills we have in the limited editing time. For our rough cut I was exited at first because I thought we had a decent video when we first showed the video to the class but as people started to laugh and I saw what was our B-Roll footage I realized how badly it really was.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Imani! I really like your colors. HOW DID YOU DO IT'S SO CUTE
