Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

In our newest assignment we had to make a video for Hiki No. We made ours about  me and what I wanted to be when I grow up. I want to be an Actress or a directors assistant. So that is what we talked about for our practice video. The final project I think we will be interviewing Cambria's grandfather or someone else when the time comes.

I think we did a good job filming and coming up with the questions but we should have worked harder on teamwork with editing and prepared ourselves with more time to edit. In the filming we filmed me going into the G.T room.  We also filmed me being in the KMS morning news cast filming studio. Me, Charlotte, One and Cambria I think overall worked well together with the filming parts of the project. We made sure I wasn't looking at the camera and that the camera was at just the right angle.

On the other hand, We needed to have way better time management and correlation of ideas and focussing.The next time we do a video project I will definitely not want this to happen again and so I will try to prepare our team for better time skills and focus more so we don't have to rush to the end trying to edit as quickly as possible on Final Cut Pro. Our over all completion I think turned out pretty good but we need to focus more on the editing part of the video so we won't ever be late on a project again. I have definitely learned from this project and plan on success with our final project! I am very exited about the up coming filming for Hiki No. 


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