Monday, April 7, 2014

Words of Wisdom

 In our newest project, we interviewed Cambria's mom, Jessica for our words of wisdom. We thought of doing Jessica for the project because of her career and how she went to college and is per suing her dream job. Also, we liked that she had an interesting back round story of being a single mom and thought we could make an interesting video because it would have showed the struggle she had and how to make it motivational, inspiring and informational on how people can still follow their dreams even if they have things that can compromise it. In the project, we worked with One, Charlotte and obviously Cambria, since Jessica is her mom. We also used FinalCut Pro for editing the video and with really fancy and professional cameras. Our words of wisdom are stay true to who you are and choose a career that makes you happy as well as beneficial to your family. These words of wisdom are very important because you have to work at that job every day and if you don't like it whats the point? 

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